Documentación Mercado Libre

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Última actualización 06/07/2023

Logistics dispatch schedule

The /schedule resource allows you get the dispatch times that the seller needs, to avoid delays and impact on their reputation. To consult this information, you must know the types of logistics enabled in your account.

Check dispatch schedule

Get the services data when the dispatch is the responsibility of the seller and they are part of ME2 with the parameters:
user_id: user ID.
logistic_type: Logistic type. You can use:

  • drop_off: Mercado Envíos
  • xd_drop_off: Mercado Envíos Places
  • self_service: Mercado Envíos Flex
  • cross_docking: Mercado Envíos Colecta
  • Request:

    curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$USER_ID/shipping/schedule/$LOGISTIC_TYPE


    curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


       "seller_id": "84538542",
       "schedule": {
           "monday": {
               "work": true,
               "detail": [
                       "from": "13:00",
                       "to": "15:00",
                       "cutoff": "12:00",
                       "carrier": {
                           "id": "17501840",
                           "name": "Iflow"
                       "vehicle": {
                           "id": "12345",
                           "license_plate": "AZ541VW",
                           "vehicle_type": "Camioneta",
                           "only_for_today": false,
                           "new_driver": false
                       "driver": {
                           "id": "12345",
                           "name": "Test User"
                       "sla": ""
           "tuesday": {
               "work": true,
               "detail": [
                       "from": "13:00",
                       "to": "15:00",
                       "cutoff": "12:00",
                       "carrier": {
                           "id": "17501840",
                           "name": "Iflow"
                       "vehicle": {
                           "id": "12345",
                           "license_plate": "AZ541VW",
                           "vehicle_type": "Camioneta",
                           "only_for_today": false,
                           "new_driver": false
                       "driver": {
                           "id": "12345",
                           "name": "Test User"
                       "sla": ""
           "wednesday": {
               "work": true,
               "detail": [
                       "from": "13:00",
                       "to": "15:00",
                       "cutoff": "12:00",
                       "carrier": {
                           "id": "17501840",
                           "name": "Iflow"
                       "vehicle": {
                           "id": "12345",
                           "license_plate": "AZ541VW",
                           "vehicle_type": "Camioneta",
                           "only_for_today": false,
                           "new_driver": false
                       "driver": {
                           "id": "12345",
                           "name": "Test User"
                       "sla": ""
           "thursday": {
               "work": true,
               "detail": [
                       "from": "13:00",
                       "to": "15:00",
                       "cutoff": "12:00",
                       "carrier": {
                           "id": "17501840",
                           "name": "Iflow"
                       "vehicle": {
                           "id": "12345",
                           "license_plate": "AZ541VW",
                           "vehicle_type": "Camioneta",
                           "only_for_today": false,
                           "new_driver": false
                       "driver": {
                           "id": "12345",
                           "name": "User de prueba"
                       "sla": ""
           "friday": {
               "work": true,
               "detail": [
                       "from": "13:00",
                       "to": "15:00",
                       "cutoff": "12:00",
                       "carrier": {
                           "id": "17578840",
                           "name": "Iflow"
                       "vehicle": {
                           "id": "12345",
                           "license_plate": "AZ541VW",
                           "vehicle_type": "Camioneta",
                           "only_for_today": false,
                           "new_driver": false
                       "driver": {
                           "id": "12345",
                           "name": "Test User"
                       "sla": ""
           "saturday": {
               "work": false,
               "detail": null
           "sunday": {
               "work": false,
               "detail": null

    Response fields

    seller_id: seller id.
    work: indicates if seller works that day. Applies to all logistics. It does not take into account holidays.
    from: in cross_docking is the start time of the harvest window. In xd_drop_off is the maximum dispatch time.
    to: in cross_docking is the end of the harvest window.
    cutoff: cut-off time. in cross_docking is the carrier Id. in cross_docking is the carrier name.
    vehicle: in cross_docking is the vehicle description. in cross_docking is the vehicle ID.
    vehicle.license_plate: in cross_docking is the plate license vehicle
    vehicle.only_for_today: in cross_docking is if the collect is only for today.
    vehicle.new_driver: in cross_docking if there was a change in the driver that will happen. in cross_docking is the driver ID of the collect. in cross_docking is the driver name of the collect.

    drop_off, Flex:

    “same_day”: on day









    Error Description
    401 (Unauthorized) The user is not authorized to access the information.
    403 (Forbidden) The user is trying to access the information of another.
    404 (not found) The user wants to access the information of a logistics that he does not have.

    Next: Free shipping.